
Scan Board & Digital Interface for Customers' Reviews
  • Did you know that a significant 68% of customers read reviews on social media before placing an order

  • With InstaReview you can easily gather reviews on your preferred network simply tapng or scanning the NFC or QR code

  • Happy customers means a thriving Business

What you get

Higher conversions

Increased number of Reviews on daily basis

Multiple review links

Unlimited connections of major social media (Google my Business, Facebook,Tripadvisor etc)

Easy to use

Get Reviews with a simple tap or scan

Business Credibility

Stand out from the competition with the latest technology trends.  

Contact us for an InstaReview Plan

InstaReview Demo

Discover the latest digital review technology. SCAN or CLICK the QR-Code to see a demo of a real store.

You don’t have to think too much! InstaMenu features are unique and constantly growing. You will never have to worry again.

Scan the QR code with your phone or click on it.